ZwillGen has welcomed Brenda Leong and Jey Kumarasamy to its newly created AI division in Washington, D.C. Leong, the division’s director, and Kumarasamy, its legal director, arrive from Luminos.Law LLP as part of a group acquisition including lawyers, data scientists, proprietary processes and technology. For commentary from Leong, see “Deciphering California’s Pioneering Mandate for an AI Nutrition Label” (Oct. 16, 2024). For commentary from Kumarasamy, see our two-part series on New York City’s law requiring AI bias audits: “What Five Companies Published – and How Others Avoid It” (Sep. 13, 2023), and “A Best Practice Guide, From Choosing an Auditor to Avoiding Enforcement” (Sep. 20, 2023). For insights from ZwillGen, see our two-part series on the FTC’s NGL Labs settlement: “Key Violations and Settlement Terms” (Sep. 18, 2024), and “Compliance Lessons” (Sep. 25, 2024).